Review: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

a-christmas-carolIt is day four of blogmas and while it is my mum’s birthday, I am still sticking to the festive blog posts. Since it is a Monday, today’s post is a book review of a Christmassy book: A Christmas Carol.

The story of A Christmas Carol is likely familiar to all of us; it’s a classic and a Christmas one at that. There are many movie adaptations of this book that are hard to miss, especially around this time of year; however saying that, I definitely do recommend the book *insert arguments of the book is better here*.

I was actually quite surprised at how short this book was as it is fewer than one hundred pages and I had expect it to be longer. However, for this I was actually grateful because Christmas is always a busy time and doesn’t always allow for reading big books.

When I began the book I really liked the writing style, but I did also find it a little hard to get into. By the end of the first chapter I was pretty used to the writing, making it a lot easier to read and despite already knowing the story of A Christmas Carol, I still found this to be an enjoyable story.

The Christmas scenes within the book effectively created a Christmassy atmosphere, making me feel a whole lot more Christmassy myself. I also really liked Dickens’ descriptions and all the detail within, enabling you to picture the setting and the characters very clearly.

Overall, I definitely recommend this book as a Christmas read and rate it 4/5.

Have you read A Christmas Carol? What did you think?

Do you have any books you recommend for the festive season?


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